Monday, April 13, 2009

I am dropping this one because I think this release flew under the radar but was very well constructed. You might ask is it a mixtape or an album? I am not sure. But when crate diggers get a chance to make music I think the DJ in them takes the lead. Enjoy this musical masterpiece!

download this mix


the_down_Low said...

i think this album is extremely underrated, i myself didnt totally get it until i saw him preform the album live at his show.
I think people had a lot of expectations for what chemist would do after the j 5 thing, and this album was not what any of us were expecting so we missed out

omega said...

very true... too often we want or expect music to be like fast food... in a hurry and on snippet mode. this project was meant for listening to in its entirety. I still feel like this is a mixtape transformed into a full out album... if all you heard was the intro and outro it would seem that way